Our Ethos and Values
At Park Academy we value all learners and learning. We understand the importance of making learning fun, engaging but most importantly purposeful and we strive to do this everyday. Our school is a large, vibrant and thriving place, where every individual is cherished and valued. We celebrate difference and respect each other’s cultures and traditions, building our learning family and making it ever stronger.
At Park Academy we have worked together with children, parents, staff and governors to choose our core values which are integral to our school. After much discussion and excitement, we decided that the word PROUD represented those values which are most important to our community.
P – Perseverance, we keep trying even when things are tough
R – Respect, we are respectful of ourselves and others
O – Open-minded, we are open to new experiences
U – Unity, we are united as a community
D- Determination, we are determined to reach our full potential
At our school we live by our chosen values and you will see them embodied in our daily school life. Each week those pupils who demonstrate one or more of our values will receive an award in our weekly celebration assembly where we celebrate our achievements as a community.
We would like to invite you to visit Park Academy, to witness exciting and purposeful learning, meet our dedicated team and most importantly see the heart of our school, our children.